The word Umbrella was derived from Latin word 'Umbra' it means shade or shadow, it was invented 4000 years back. In 16h century it’s very famous in European countries.In my memories oldest umbrella I have seen was large curvy wooden handle one it's cloth was made out of black coloured thick cotton. Now a days these umbrellas are dissapeared from the market more slim, colourful, foldable umbrells taken their place. When I am joined the school I got my first umbrella, it was an ladies umbrella. That days only folding umbrellas are not available on the market only two types of umbrellas 'Ladies' and 'Gents'. Curvy handles steel stem umbrella was called as Gents and straight handled was called ladies. There is good practice needed to open and shut these umbrellas because one can open it just pushing hardly, to close little practice is must becasue when you are trying to close the umbrella by holding umbrella's handle with left hand and try to push the lock with right thumb it slips suddenly and and comes over your thumb leads to slip of your skin and shower starts to comes from your eys, I think it's common in everybodys child hood.
In my child hood most attractive thing in umbrell was it's handle, because it was made out of Glass type of (Sea throguh) material. Inside the hadle we can see colourful yello, bright green or red coloured some designes (still I don't understood what sort of designs are these) Thats why it was one of the most attractive part of the umbrella. When ever a new umbrell broght to class we first check the handle and make comments on it, the fellow who brought new umrella was always keep on eye on it and never permit to anybody to touch it becasue it was such a valuable thing. Other attractive thing are Manufacturers emblem on cloth those day's 'Deer Branded' Umbrella was famous for their quality. Many people writes their name at inner side of the cloth using red colourd thread and needle. But mins was always written on 'Silver' or 'Golden' Paint by my Anna (Father) and I proudly shows this to others.
The common problem of Umbrellas was if you take it heavy windy rain the breaks the thread which holds the cloth in the arch, but it was repairable at home by means of needle and thread. To tackle the heavy rain you must have good practice to hold the umbrell and one must hold the umbrella against the direction of wind otherwise it will folds upper side. Whe I am studying in sixth standard first time I saw the the Automatic Umbrell. One rainy day our naighobour who was working at Dubai broght this umbrella, it was not foldable it's shape is just like a Gents umbrell but it had black shining silky cloth over the arch and and it cosists small round button on the curvy black handle, just press this button using your thumb it will open with 'Dub' sound, thats why it was called as 'Swichchy Kode' (Swith Umbrella), some people are call it 'Bombay Kode' also.
When I was reached to Seventh standard Foldable automatic umbrella are started to available these are not available in open market but only throgh Gulf parties they sell these umbrellas at the cost of Rupees Ninety and only rich party can afford this. When ever I think about this foldable umbrella one thing comes front of my eys. It was heavy rainy day y class mate 'Samshuddin' who's brother was working at Gulf brought this umbrell to our class, after the calls he starts to demonstrate his new umbrella in the rain he just keep his step out of the corriddor of the school and just press the button 'Dub' it's opened as soon as it opened one heavy wind take upper part of the umbrella whole the way to Perla town, only half of it's stick left his hand, he started shouting and running and at last manage to get it back.
Now a days colourful umbrellas are available with lots of gizmos like laser beam, tourch etc. but never match the those days one because in those days owning a umbrella measn it's not just for a one season but its almost for a life time.
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