Pre Monsoon works: Around First weak of May these works begins to starts first strip down roof of cowshed which is made out of Aracanut leaves which was collected and carefully stored the whole year from field. As soon as striped down the roof first work is inspecting the supporting frame work which also made by using the Aracanut trees. If it weak than it has replaced with new one all supporting knot (the thread here used was also a product of a one type palm tree) also checked and replaced if required, now Skelton or structure is ready on top of this frame aracanut leaves are clad.

When men are busy in such a work women are not sitting idle at home they have their own department. First thing is collect ‘A’ grade raw Jack fruit from the particular tree and stripped down it’s waste (actually there was no waste body in jack fruit, every part is useful for either homosepians or animals) clean it’s fruit thoroughly. Now it’s ready for Appala and Upda Pacheel (Pappdam and the raw fruit which dipped in soil water) these works children’s are busy in roaming between cow shed and kitchen, because their schools also not opened and they have no work to do so they are busy in stealing raw fruit from kitchen and eating it at cow shed or around backyard of the house. They are free till raw appla was ready, when it was ready it kept in sun light at court yard to dry. Now children duty starts, they have to protect these appala from robbers like stay dogs (some time from pet dogs) and crows etc. Not only these, all other items like ‘Sandige’ (A snack made out of rise), mango pickles and different types of appla’s are made out of these period and kept stock for rainy day.
As soon as monsoon starts first work cleaning the drainage and whole water irrigation channels, which running around fields and backyards etc. I still remember that the water which used in our paddy field comes from around half kilometer distance. Because rain water was stored in a natural tank which was called ‘Madaka’ locally and it’s located in top of the mountain, it’s just works like a water dam, it’s wall contains 3 or for 5” hole in different levels and these holes are blocked by wooden piece or something. According to the water level and requirement one can open the hole and get water for their field.

Bullocks and Male Domestic Buffalo are used in paddy cultivation first of all whole field was dry tilled by using plough and there after wet tilling in twice horizontally and vertically around the field. After the tilling final work is leveling the soil by using ‘Palaya’ a flat wooden tool which drawn by a pair of bullock or male buffaloes. The man who operates it was stands on this flat wood and holds bullocks tail in his hand for support, he is real hero for us. Due to mixture of water and soil the field was looks like a red coloured sea, and man was sailing in it. Some times he takes us to sail. I have experience it many times. But one incident I will never forgot my whole life that day due to heavy rain school was closed,

I ran away to filed and I have started begging self in ‘Palaya’, first he (Aithappa) refused but refused and told me you are too small to ride it is not possible to me. But after lot of argument he agreed to independent ride. First I kept my right foot on ‘Palaya’ and holding the tail. As soon as I kept my left foot on the wood bullocks starts to run with great speed I the man behind me is shouting and running behind us to stop. As soon as I loosen my grip from the tail I flew over the mid air and thrown away to mother earth. The bullocks jumped to another field along with wood and stopped there posing like innocent. That was my first and last independent ride I have never tried it after.

Now a days all this thrills are fading due to labor problem, nobody available for farm works. Now a days if you ask the questioned modern child “where you get the rise” he will show the grocery shop. All these joys and thrill are sweet memories I am really thankful to god who given me a great opportunity to explore and enjoy the great days.